Kempshott History Timeline

To put the history of Kempshott in context we have  created a timeline chart which indicates the important national or international events, the  economic or other circumstances which  were affecting Basingstoke, and specific  events in the history of Kempshott.

This is never, of course,  going to be an exhaustive chart and it is updated from time to time as research is published.

Where there is a simple relationship between an entry on the timeline and a paper in the archive there will be a link to that paper , in due course.

Name Search Index

For the genealogy enthusiast, or  those with family connections to old Kempshott who are tracing their ancestors’ activities we have  constructed an index of  names which appear in existing papers published on this site. In due course there will be a link to the specific reference  in each paper, but for now  there is a reference in the names index file.