Current Programme    –    Our Programme for 2024:

  • Jan 12th – Down Grange III – the final chapter by Barry Hedger
  • Apr 12th – Kempshott pre-1066 – what we know about the ‘locals’ before the modern era  by David Hopkins, County                  Archaeologist   Archaeologist
  • July 19th – Royal Purveyance – or something for nothing? What is  purveyance?  Come and find out.. by Stephen Goodwin
                                               Please note the date – 3rd week in July.
  • October 11th – Kempshott between the Wars: A preliminary view of the development of Kempshott 1920 – 1940 by Jane Hussey,                               David Last and Kath Frewin


Our meetings,  approximately  quarterly – on a Friday afternoon, are held  at Kempshott Village Hall ( RG22 5HN). If you have not  been to previous meetings you are urged to contact us as below to ensure you are notified of  meeting dates and times.

Please email at any time to be added to the mailing list for  meeting updates.


Our meetings are held in Kempshott Village Hall 2.30pm – 4.15pm.     The address is Pack Lane , RG22 5HN.


Car Parking at the front of the Hall is accessed via Stratton Park (signposted on Pack Lane)

Local History and Kempshott

Kempshott History Group was created in 2011 by a group of friends who lived in Kempshott, were either amateur local historians, genealogists , archaeologists or simply enjoyed exploring local subjects on the internet.

As long term residents in the area we were conscious that there was a lot of history to be unearthed in our small patch of North Hampshire,  from stone age evidence, roman imprints on the landscape to mediaeval records – so many sources are available.

If you enjoy researching and exploring on the internet , in the county record office in Winchester  or other national  and local sources, we would be delighted if you would like to join the working team. We also welcome those with  the essential skills of  editing and publishing.

Links to Other Local History Websites Those interested in Basingstoke history are strongly recommended to visit

                Basingstoke Archaeological & Historical Society –

For a wider Hampshire perspective on local history there is a wealth of information published by

                Hampshire Field Society –



Contact Us We can be contacted by email  for general enquiries on